Responding to Art with the Written Word

Ripple Poetry

37237413_10215327384070766_9139403652396482560_n Australian Collection QAGOMA

I have made significant progress on a poetry project, writing poems for The Words and Pictures  project at QAGOMA.

There are just four days left for my final selections and edits.

Some of the works inspired have more than one poem.  One even inspired four pieces.

I now have to select the ones that I feel will be the most interesting or evocative for the people visiting the gallery.  I might share some of the others that don’t go in, here on my blog.

It is not easy as I am quite happy with each version, but then I have a vision of how all the works fit together and want the poems I create to be spaced out throughout the gallery.

Also my goal with the poems and micro stories a broad appeal, such that people of many ages might enjoy reading them, including…

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